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MKT 250 Journal - Week 9

This week we finalized our ads for the new business we have each started. I've been nervous about this part, as I'll be spending money and I'm the type that wants to have everything perfect before I commit to spending.

Is everything perfect? Probably not. But that is also the point of running an experiment like this. To figure out what works and what could be done better.

It agitates me a little bit that I don't have my campaign optimization score up to 100... It's at 87%, which isn't terrible, but I want it better. Like... 100%. Is it reasonable to expect that of myself right now? Not really. But it's what I want anyways.

The higher the campaign optimization score, the better my campaign will run. I'm giving myself a higher than normal budget - $4.00 a day rather than the suggested $3.00, because I do have a little bit to spare, but I'd still like to make sure that I'm getting the most bang for my buck!

My ad starts running tomorrow, and I am excited about it, but I'm also pretty nervous. We'll see how things go!

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