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MKT250 Journal - Week 6

This week we have been learning about legal structures for businesses, licensing requirements, and taxation for different businesses. As I've formulated my business for this class project, I've settled on creating a review business that earns money through affiliate marketing commissions. There are few websites or blogs that focus exclusively on offering reviews of homeschool curriculum, products, and resources, so I've decided that I want to focus on doing just that.

Because I will be affiliate marketing, I will essentially be a freelancer, so I've decided that for now I am going to act as a sole proprietorship. This means I only have to register my business name with my state, and then keep track of my income over the course of the year. This will be the simplest option for my abilities right now, though I may eventually upgrade to an LLC or S-Corp.

My new website - - is up and fully functional. I'm working on signing up with affiliate programs from independent curriculum creators, and I'm also working on getting registered with more established brands as well. If you create homeschool products - whether it's unit studies, printables, or actual curriculum, and you would like me to review it for you, please feel free to reach out!

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