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MKT250 Journal - Week 7

This entire semester has been a wild ride. I twisted both of my ankles at the beginning of the semester. My grandfather passed away two weeks ago. And my husband broke his foot at his first ever Taekwondo test this week. It's been.... a lot. Normally when things like this happen during a school semester I get overwhelmed and start shutting down. This year, I am pleased to find that I'm having a different response. Definitely overwhelmed still, but I also have a sense of excitement and hope. Like I'm about to see some big and positive changes.

I think part of the reason for that is my current class, Online Business Creation. I'm truly enjoying this process, even if my assignments have been late for the past three weeks. It also helps that for the first time ever, my family has an absolutely lovely fireplace to sit by and listen to stories.

This week we learned all about keywords, how to identify a good keyword, and how to create a keyword list for our ad campaigns. I've been nervous about how I'm going to reach an audience for my curriculum reviews, and whether I'll just be throwing money down the drain to try out this new thing. But after doing my keyword research I'm actually feeling pretty optimistic about what I'm going to do, and how I can be successful.

In spite of the fact that I'm facing the lack of sunlight for the coming winter season, I am so VERY excited to see what the next two months brings.

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