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MKT250 - Week 11

These past two weeks have been incredibly busy for our family. We went to visit family for an early Thanksgiving where I got pretty sick (hence the missing Week 10 entry), and then the night before Thanksgiving we had a sick cat show up on our doorstep and decide that we were just the right household to fix its problems.

My weekend was wrapped up with trying to find any shelter or veterinary clinic that would be able to take the cat in, while trying to keep it from freezing to death on our doorstep. It was so sick we didn't dare bring it in with our own pets, so we figured out a small shelter for it and gave it food. Unfortunately, the more food and nourishment it got the worse it's infection became. By the time we reached a veterinarian they just advised us to put the cat down and out of its misery.

While I was dealing with that I desperately wished that I had the ability to gather enough attention online that I could crowdfund some money to get it treatment. While I was too late for the cat, I think this week's focus on SEO was very timely. Figuring out the right formula to get a search engine to pay attention to my websites often seems like an elusive goal, with a semi-mythical promise of success.

I found the readings from this week to be very enlightening. When people read about the basics of SEO online the material often focuses mainly on using the right keywords to grab attention. But good SEO is so much more than that. It is about the user experience, the visuals and their accessibility. Its about making sure the website is open to webcrawlers which sound like spider-worms, but they aren't. And it's about a bunch of other stuff that quite frankly I don't quite understand, but this week I developed a much better view of what I should be focusing on.

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