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MKT250 - Week 12

Another late journal entry. I've been having increasingly frequent migraines over the past month and it has been interfering with my ability to both homeschool and do my own class load on time. I have to alternate what pain relievers I use to try and cope. My red-headed genes make me quickly desensitized to pain relievers, and even though I have ADHD I can't use caffiene very often because stimulants give me panic attacks if I take them too much.

All that to say, this semester has turned out adventurous, just like my others. This was the last week of my ad campaign running for Great Homeschool Reviews. Even though I only built one ad group for it, I did learn a lot from this experience. First - Google Ads is very overwhelming for me to use. Half the time, I have no idea how I got to a specific report, and I can't find my way back the next time I want to see it.

Another thing I've learned is how to access and download reports from my campaign. I like the overview page because it gives me a quick glance at everything important, but being able to go through the actual reports has been a great way to really dig into my campaign to see what was working and what wasn't.

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