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Three Steps to Creating a Homeschool Schedule

As homeschooling families, we have the incredible opportunity to design an educational journey that perfectly aligns with our values and goals. This allows our children to learn in the best environment for them, and have the support they need in following their interests. However, harnessing this potential requires a well-crafted schedule that balances the need for structure with the freedom of flexibility. Today we will explore the art of creating a homeschooling schedule that not only fosters effective learning but also allows for leisure and family bonding.

One: Benefits of a Flexible Yet Structured Schedule:

Finding the equilibrium between flexibility and structure is like discovering a golden ticket in the world of homeschooling. If there's too much flexibility then we lack the stability we need to function. If there's too much structure, then we miss out on the natural variability of life. When our families have ADHD we need to work hard to find that balance between a schedule and flexible free time.

In my family's homeschool, I strive to create Mobility. In the exercise world, Mobility training is an all-encompassing method that strives to create a harmonious balance between flexibility and strength (structure if you will). It involves working things through their entire range of motion, and increasing the range of motion where it is possible.

Let's delve into how this idea of Mobility can benefit our families:

  1. Adapting to Individual Needs: Every child is unique, with different learning preferences and paces. A balanced schedule allows you to tailor your teaching methods to each child's strengths, ensuring they receive the personalized education they deserve.

  2. Maintaining Parental Sanity: Juggling homeschooling with household chores and possibly a job can be overwhelming. A structured schedule helps you allocate time for teaching, chores, and self-care, reducing stress and burnout.

  3. Creating Consistency: Children thrive on routine, and a well-structured schedule provides the consistency they need to feel secure and confident in their learning environment.

  4. Seamless Family Integration: Balancing homeschooling with family activities can be challenging. A flexible schedule allows you to integrate leisure, hobbies, and quality time into your routine, fostering stronger family bonds.

Two: Designing Your Perfect Homeschooling Schedule

Now that we see the ways that a family schedule focused on mobility can benefit our lives, let's examine what we need to create an ideal family schedule:

  1. Assess Your Family's Needs: Take stock of your family's unique dynamics, work commitments, and preferred learning times. Use this information as a foundation for your schedule.

  2. Set Clear Learning Hours: Determine when your children are most alert and receptive to learning. Designate specific hours for focused academics to optimize their engagement.

  3. Incorporate Breaks and Leisure: Breaks are essential for maintaining energy and focus. Plan short, regular breaks for physical activity, relaxation, and creative exploration.

  4. Theme Days and Subjects: Allocate specific days or time blocks for different subjects or themes. This adds variety and prevents monotony, keeping your children excited about learning.

  5. Involve Children in Planning: Empower your children by involving them in the schedule planning process. This helps them take ownership of their learning journey and enhances their time management skills.

  6. Stay Open to Adaptation: Flexibility is key. Life is unpredictable, so build in the flexibility to adjust your schedule as needed without feeling guilty.

Three: Crafting Your Schedule:

For years I focused on creating one plan, one grand master plan that would rule all other plans and Fix Our Family (with whatever I thought it was that needed to be fixed). I would plan it out, sometimes in half hour increments, show it to my husband, and then do the master plan, and everything would be great.

For a week.

At best.

Then this grand master plan would start to fray at the edges and fall apart. Why? Because my grand plan made no accommodations for the nuances of every day life. There was no backup plan for days when I was up all night with a fussy baby or sick kids. There was no flexibility for times when our depression or anxiety were high.

When we were great, it worked great. But when we were struggling? Well... That grand master plan sat there in judgement, letting me know that I had once again failed. If you have or love someone with ADHD, then this will be pretty familiar to you.

Nowadays, I'm a little bit wiser. I know that I have ADHD. I know my children are neurodivergent. I know that we need space for both high and low functioning days. So, I created a plan for both! Our low functioning day plan is what we use during sickness or days of high neurodivergent behavior. As long as we can get our very most basic things done, then that days is a success!

Our high functioning day plan is for days when we all seem to be working together as an unstoppable machine of awesomeness! This is for the days when everyone is on the same track, working together, and just generally slaying at life. Those days are awesome. Few, but awesome.

Most days tend to be a mix of our high and low functioning plans. I find that gives us the stability AND the flexibility that we need to make it through each days. It allows us to be mobile through whatever range of motion we can handle for the day.

I've decided to include a freebie with this post - an excerpt from a family journal that I'm designing - to help your family get started on creating their own perfect schedule. This is something that I personally use with my family to help us keep on track with meeting everyone's needs. If you'd like it, you can download it for free here!

In our next blog post, we'll guide you through the process of designing inspiring learning spaces within your home, and how to help your ADHD child get the best results from it. Get ready to transform your learning environment into a hub of creativity and curiosity!

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